1. if you need any help getting your office back in shape.2. my vist to the south america would not have gone so smoothly had it not beenfor your help.3. we will definitely do our best to make it even better.4. The content should throw light on investment environment in south america. 2013-05-24 16:47:00 5. surpass all of my annual sales targets 6 I will be more the happy to do so.7. we are in the process of publishing a directory for major business firms engaged in the field of international trade.8 to take the opportunity to meet you regarding a business potential which will definitely .... MingLam Choi ( 碩士級 1 級 ) 英文 | 英文 2013-05-25 04:12:40 你錯的字,我跟你改正了成粗斜體。=============================================================1. if you need any help getting your office back in shape.如果你想搵人幫手將你的辦公室整理好。2. my visit to the south america would not have gone so smoothly had it not beenfor your help.毋你幫忙,我南菲之行一定唔會咁順利。3. we will definitely do our best to make it even better我們一定會盡力改善。4. The content should shed light on investment environment in south america內容一定要講明南美的投資環境。5. surpass all of my annual sales targets超過我所有訂下的年銷售目標6.I will be more than happy to do so.我絕對樂意這樣做。7. we are in the process of publishing a directory for major business firms engaged in the field of international trade.我們正在將那些進行國際投資的主要公司,製成一本目錄。8 to take the opportunity to meet you regarding a business potential which will definitely ....有機會跟你見個面,談談生意的話,一定。。。=============================================================不要再加了,台灣的園地不流行這種方式。香港的英文知識庫漸催色微,可惜。 2013-05-25 17:22:14 對不起,你用【點解】,我以為你是廣東人,回答中用了不少廣東話。看不明白的地方請告之。 south america的國家,central and south america,south america map,south america 簡寫,which country is in south america,football clubs of south americasouth america,investment environment,office,英文,annual sales targets,business firms,香港的,back in shape ( 0 ) | ( 0 ) ( 0 ) [ 英文 ] [英文]英文高手可以幫我解答嗎?? 20點~急 [ 英文 ] 關於世足參賽國名稱(需英文) [ 英文 ] 請幫我英文翻譯中文 !!! [ 英文 ] 請求英文高手幫忙翻譯”採訪內容”~感謝>”< [ 在職進修 ] america's與american [ 美洲 ] 英文達人幫幫我!!!用英文介紹中南美洲和西班牙 (0) (0) (0)

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